It was fine, but not worth watching
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was the typical lifetime plot device where the protagonist doesn't trust her sister or daughter's fiancé, does a background check on them, turns out they have a different last name, tries to warn sister about her concerns but doesn't believe her, then fiancé devises a plan to kill their spouse, and kill anyone who gets in the way of their plan. Hmmm where have I seen that before? Except in this one, there was no second accomplice like in the last movie I watched that followed this plot point.

And as soon as I heard the words "life insurance" I already knew where it was going.

At least the friend from the hunting trip who had recognized Thomas from a court case wasn't killed or so much as injured, because he definitely would've been seen as a threat in the eyes of Thomas but he just laughs it off, followed by the cliché lines of "you must have me confused with someone else" and "I just have one of those faces". He does make up a scenario in his head where he does kill the friend, but he doesn't actually go through with it. Yet he had the guts to kill the innocent butler from the dinner party just for calling him dude instead of sir. SMH

The attempted murder of the maid Christina, was unnecessary, especially considering that she was impaired and had hearing problems. But Thomas was unaware of that and poisons her with a syringe and is put into a coma as a result. Also, why did she have to be black?? She could've been any other race. Talk about pushing stereotypes.

Why couldn't Thomas just delete the texts that Darcy's coworker Amanda sent to her phone instead of getting water all over it. And it was so stupid of Darcy to leave her phone on while sleeping, where the guy that she had done a background check on could just easily sneak in the room and destroy it, which is exactly what he did. Jonathan Stoddard's character was so over the top but in a good way (not a bad over the top like in most LT movies I've seen).

The mom, dad and Brea were so stupid to not believe Darcy's claims about Thomas and the two previous marriages that he previously been in, thinking that she is just "being foolish". And some sister Brea is. Choosing someone she has only been with for a few months over her own sister. Ugh, that part infuriated me.

Regarding the part with the guy at the end being Thomas's brother. It does look like a set up for a possible sequel, but I don't really see that happening. Lifetime movies rarely have sequels anyways. The last LTM to do this was 'Deceived by my MIL' followed by 'Mommy's Deadly Con Artist' and that was in 2021, almost two years ago! They were both released a week within each other too!

One of the better films that Lindsay Hartley directed. The other being 'In Love with my Partner's Wife' which also had Jonathan Stoddard playing the villain.

Two final notes: the song that played at the end of the film is the same song that played at the beginning of the 'Bound by Blackmail' movie from last year.

The Lifetime Uncorked reviewer is incorrect about there only being two murders in the movie. There are actually three murders that Thomas commits, if you count the woman from his relationship before Marta, who he had drowned. And he confessed to it during his villainous monologue with Darcy after he shot her.
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