An Interesting Portrait. But Definitely Not DB Cooper.
27 April 2023
When all is said and done...it's doubtful you'll leave the film convinced.

If only because there are other claimants who have more established ties to the crime, and established evidence.

When all this man has is a tall tale he used to dupe his friends and get in women's pants.

What makes his story most suspect, is not only the timing of the claim (he clearly tried to use to get out of an aggravated assault charge)...but the fact that he essentially claims that the whole thing was pulled off on a whim, without any planning, or viable knowledge of the aircraft industry whatsoever.

Which makes you wonder why they ever even believed him at all.

That being said...the recreations in the film are quite well done...even if the investigation it attempts to cover is kind of paltry.

So it has that going for it at least.

Even if the rest is a bit underwhelming.

5 out of 10.
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