... With a Little Help from My Friends
27 April 2023
Harry Rule has returned from his break. Only to be met by a face from his past. She is Laura (Hannah Gordon) and she needs his help and the baddies have her son held captive.

Harry leaves a hidden message behind for Contessa Caroline di Contini and Paul Buchet.

The son is held by Kahan (Jeremy Brett) an opposition leader in an unnamed middle eastern country. Harry's job is to kill the President who is on a visit to London.

It is for Caroline and Paul to track down the President and ensure his safety. They do this by flying in a double over from Turkey.

An episode that shows a bit of Harry's background. Laura is his wife so he needs to keep his son safe. That might explain why his relationship with Caroline is rather chaste.

Brett is sinister and ruthless as Kahan but has to be browned up for the role. International actor Roshan Seth who has a small role, he could easily had filled in as Kahan.
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