Review of The Tank

The Tank (2023)
Unwatchable, let me count the ways.
28 April 2023
This movie hits everything that makes a movie unwatchable. Let me count the ways:

1. Bad writing. Uses explanatory foreshadowing so we all know what's going to happen. And dialogue that seems like it's not real, and puts the actors into an unwinnable situation.

2. Bad flashbacks. That add little to no value to the plot and just waste time.

3. Muddling and pointless first 45 minutes. Good luck making it past the utterly pointless first 45.

4. No one to root for. I don't care about anyone in this movie. Literally, don't care.

5. Basic simple plot. You've seen this same plot 100 times, so what's the point.

Don't bother watching this movie. It's literally pointless. I'll give it 1 star for some good lighting.
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