Review of The Pay Day

The Pay Day (2022)
Stay Away
28 April 2023
This movie started on the right note. A silly crime caper about getting files worth $500 Million from a company and putting them on a thumb drive. The woman will get 1% of the take, which she desperately needs. And then the move starts to drag. And drag. And drag some more. Dead space between lines of dialog. The pacing so slow that your mind goes numb. A story that just disintegrates and nothing of any importance is said or done in the last hour.

I watched it to the end and can't even tell you who got the thumb drive or what they even did with it. I know it was a Mcguffin, but the interplay between the two leading actors was juvenile at best.

Avoid this movie like the plague.

Or watch it, if you need something to put you to sleep.
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