From Black (2023)
ok movie
29 April 2023
Intriguing movie... The film is very solidly made.

As far as I understand, the script is about the use of Black Magic (demonic forces) in a desperate attempt by the main characters to atone for previous failures in life.

Although pentagrams are not drawn and Mesopotamian ritual is mentioned, it is undoubtedly about some kind of influence of the Devil.

In the scenario, imaginary dogmatics are used, because in real theologies there is no power that Demons have, which will last for "eternity", as well as that they bring the dead back to the real world.

There are also no rules that demons obey, ... none, so the main demonic character is unnecessarily demanding respect for some order.

In my opinion, the weakest part of the script is the constant panic and euphoria of the main actress, although the actress herself acts well.

Maybe it was done on purpose, but it's a bit annoying.

Anyway, the film is a solid horror film and should be seen.
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