Evil's City (2005 Video)
Lousy film with good intentions
1 May 2023
This film had some OK potential, but unfortunately it's just a mess. It's your typical "kids wander into ghost town & discover zombies" plot. There are some fine makeup effects on the zombies and their attack scenes show some decent effort... but even these are undercut by goofy and confusing editing.

Sadly the film isn't all goofy. The first half is a real drag, with annoying characters who squabble on & on and never shut up. The girls especially are as annoying, spiteful and selfish as possible. At least it makes the audience happy when things go badly for these losers.

A lot of that is the director's fault, but honestly the actresses are just plain bad. One of them, "Misty," does that horrible lisping voice that you never hear in real life, but for some reason bad actresses love. Think of a swishing gay stereotype voice, except it's a woman doing it. Bad, bad casting.

For a movie that wastes so much time with nothing happening, it sure crams in a bunch of concepts that go nowhere. There's some drifter with an English accent who knows stuff about the town; a picture in a church suggests he was the local cult leader, but the guy just disappears from the movie. There are some military goons apparently chasing a Mexican killer into this town; wouldve been fun if the killer showed up, but nope. There's a preacher who sounds like Sam the Eagle and randomly shows up out of nowhere at the end. Misty and Ruben (2 of the loser protags) just kinda die off-camera, I guess. The movie tries to be a morality tale where the main characters are coping with their own guilt, but the characters are just too stupid to sell that idea.

Still, you'll get some chuckles from this movie. The character of Kevin is a mumbly, schlubby guy who gets the most dramatic lines. He's very miscast, but the way he says super-dramatic stuff in the most casual, wimpy way is pretty funny. And the bad editing has a few laugh-out-loud moments, especially Kevin's appearance in front of a cheap green-screen at the end.

It's not a total disaster, but this movie isn't laughable enough to reach "so bad it's good" territory, and it spends too much time being just plain boring. I don't think more time in the oven would've saved it... This one was just badly conceived, badly cast, and badly planned from the get-go.
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