Sweet Tooth (2021–2024)
Downgraded because of season 2...
4 May 2023
What in tarnations happened to season 2!?... season 2 was BLOODY AWFUL!!

Season 1 was fantastic; It was cute, loving, caring, concerning, protective, convincing and urgent.

Season 2 was Sesame Street 2.0; Sesame Street written with an action 'plot', and bad acting; the acting was flat. Especially by The General.

I can forgive the kids because they're likely new to acting, but The General was a garbage character.

Season two SUCKED!

Netflix RARELY have good followup seasons after a good first.

How do they completely ignore ALL that made the first season great, only to write a wreck and see it through, with disregard to whether it's convincingly sellable or not!?

Too much time was wasted on those annoying kids when they were in the jail.

It would have been a great deal better without all of that Sesame Street nonsense; it got better in the last 2 episodes, but that was FAR too late.

Season one was great. Season 2 was beyond bad.

Either cancel this or commission better writers.

Don't make this mistake again!

Netflix BEEN taking losses; they've been churning out low-grade garbage for at least 8 years.

Netflix, clean your house! Improve your writers!

You cancelled Colony AND The OA, which were your greatest series! You suck!!

***CANCELLED my Netflix subscription because of enforcement action against password-sharing, constant agenda-forcing, as well as bad-written, irritatingly bad, empty content.

I'm not paying for shoddy treatment. NO WAY!!

I have Disney plus, Amazon Prime and NOW; I will not miss Alphabetflix.
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