Another Weak Episode
4 May 2023
When the parachute of the experienced Belgium skydiver Pierre Delongue does not open during a fall, the CSIs suspect the equipment was sabotaged. Pierre is submitted to surgeries and his partner and best friend Max Girard stays with him in the hospital, while Nick and Riley investigate the evidences. Meanwhile, Brass, Catherine and Greg investigate the deaths of two man nearby the swimming pool. Their investigation shows that the cases may be connected. Langston and Hodges check the body of a man dressed like a monk found in the desert. Soon they learn that the victim is Holy Steven, and they go to his church to interview his fellow preacher George, with surprising results.

"The Descent of Man" is another weak episode of "CSI". Langston's segment is awful, with the accidental death of Steven. The case of Pierre is also not good, and the death of the two guys is probably the best part of the show. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "The Descent of Man"
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