The Last Detective: The Man from Montevideo (2007)
Season 4, Episode 4
The Man from Montevideo
4 May 2023
Dangerous Davies luck is on the up. It opens up with an easy arrest. When a man stops in on the street offers him some dodgy designer suits going cheap. The arrest is then complicated when the suits disappear when Davies chases the seller.

At least his relationship with Julie is on the up. She fancies him again.

The latest murder case Davies gets embroiled in brings him face to face with a retired policeman that his boss DI Aspinall is very pally with.

Tony Hill (Norman Pace) is the limousine driver who is found in his car with his neck was slashed with a broken bottle. Davies finds that He was previously known as Jim Horner. A London black cab driver who found a briefcase full of money and disappeared with £2 million in cash.

This explains why the coroner tells him that the dead man had plastic surgery.

Davies talks to his widow who tells him that they met in Uruguay. He was a business mogul, Uruguay's answer to Donald Trump. However they recently returned to Britain where he became a limo driver.

Davies believes that someone recognised that Hill was actually Jim Horner. He needed to trace just who he ferried the night before as well as track down some former acquaintances.

There was a nice bit of comedy here and there. Davies getting mistaken for a kinky client who is pretending to be a policeman by a tart. Mod gets a girlfriend who wears him out.

There is a good cast in this one ranging from Sam Kelly to Kenneth Cranham to Alison Steadman. It was a bit of a stretch to see much difference in Norman Pace in the flashback scenes.
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