5 May 2023
There's hundreds of hours of audio and evidence of Al talking about the murder, but the producers cherry-picked and left important facts out to fit their narrative.

Why didn't they have anyone that actually knew Al in the doc from before the age of 10? Just his sister that hadn't seen him in 25 years, 4 defence lawyers, and a journalist that's friends with his lawyer?

Why didn't they have Bev's sisters read the parts of the judge's decision where he said that Al lost his temper with "Jack" and threatened him after Jack had cancelled a meetup for payment? Or the part where Al went and dug up the boots he had buried of Jack's, took a picture of them, then wrote on it "Pay up, you dig?" Or the part where he said he doesn't believe the police had tunnel vision and only evidence led them to suspect Al and that the confession was "without prompting"?

They didn't even spell Bev's name right in the title.

Do your own research, please.
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