Ted Lasso: Sunflowers (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
RIP Ted Lasso - Season 3 is Dreadful
7 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm confused as to why this episode is so highly rated. I found it insanely boring and full of fluff - like all the other episodes this season.

Had heard for years that this show was amazing and finally gave it a watch. Season 1 and 2 were amazing. I binged through them in about a month.

Started season 3 and quickly started losing interest. I wanted to give it a fair chance but dear God, after this episode, I'm giving up. What was once a funny-heartfelt series is has turned into some Grey's Anatomy garbage.

It's not funny anymore. Gets the occasional chuckle here and there but that's it.

The relationship drama is stupid and unnecessary. Breaking up Roy and Keeley was a mistake. Her and Jack have zero chemistry and I don't but it at all. I'm also tired of Ted moping over his divorce.

The shorter format was better. The hour+ episodes are too long and drawn out.

Ted is just annoying and unlikeable at this point. He's just not cute anymore.

I find it hard to care about any of the characters anymore. They just seem very one dimensional and dead this season.

Not even sure what the first part of the season was about. The purpose of characters like Shandy and Zava were what?

Show just started taking itself too seriously. All the critical acclaim went to someone's head and they killed everything about it that once made it unique and special.

I won't be watching anymore of this show and I really hate saying that. Someone really needs to be fired for this nonsense and trashing what was once and truly great show.
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