Lucky Man: More Yang Than Yin (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good Luck
8 May 2023
Good Luck In London, a wealthy man commits suicide after the death of his beloved wife jumping off the balcony of his apartment. The down-to-lucky detective Harry Clayton is an addicted gambler that after losing his own home, forced his wife, the barrister Anna, to leave him with their daughter Daisy. Harry is a good detective and his partner is the young detective Chohan Suri, who is a bright woman. Harry has a debt of 140 thousand pounds to the Chinese Freddie Lau, who own the casino where Harry has credit to gamble. One night, Harry meets the beautiful and sexy Eve in the casino and she suggests the numbers to gamble and Harry wins half of his debts. They have one night stand and, in the morning, Eve has left him with an irremovable bangle and the message of Good Luck on the mirror. But now, Freddy Law and stripper Kayleigh Fenchurch are murdered and Harry and Suri have to investigate the cases. Harry goes rogue with his sources and his chief Alistair Winter suspects of him.

"More Yang Than Yin" is a promising and mysterious series based on a story created by Stan Lee. This pilot shows an intriguing bangle capable to give luck to the person who owns it. The mysterious Eve, a gorgeous woman that gave the bangle to Harry. This complex and ambiguous detective is a complex character with a serious addition, gambling, but also a family man and an efficient detective. The cliffhanger conclusion seems to be a promising sequel. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "More Yang Than Yin"
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