If you think it's bad, you might be part of the problem.
8 May 2023
I checked out some reviews prior to watching this film and due to the ratings, my expectations were fairly low. However, after watching the film, in my opinion, a lot of the negative reviews are fairly similar to the responses of the women at the beginning of the dinner. Defensive, poor me, victim mentality. I do agree that Saira and Regina come off as direct and blunt, but in my opinion that is a key point to the film that adds a sense of urgency and seriousness to the dinner that may otherwise have been missed. Part of deconstructing Karen is to eliminate the need to be "nice" and sugar coat statements and hard truths. Which I believe Regina and Saira accomplish successfully. Another point these two are trying to make is that they do not owe it to white women to "be nice" while people of color have not been treated "nicely" for hundreds of years. To say Saira is a bully for being upfront and direct while communicating with the women at the dinner table (not to mention continuously repeating herself for those choosing not to hear her), sure is an interesting take. Unfortunately I think some of the dinner attendees in this film, along with many of the 1/10 star raters, are proof that this country has a long way to go when it comes to listening and ending white privilege and fragility. If this film has upset you to the point you go out of your way to leave a review telling others not to watch. If all you can think about is how badly this film personally offended you. If you find yourself subconsciously defending the white women at the dinner table. If you have no take-aways other than the blame you have placed on Saira and Regina for somehow making things worse. It may be a great idea for you you to challenge yourself, change your mindset, and watch this film again.
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