10 May 2023
When I saw one of the covers of Sunday's Void with two actresses with opacity and a lot of glow in the image, I already reiterated some kind of relationship between the two characters and a dream environment in the midst of reality, but I didn't expect such a spectacular and engaging work. . THE MANAGEMENT was brilliant in every aspect, we started in the solitary world of CHIARA ( Bárbara lennie ) until we found her mother ABABEL (suzi sanchez) through a crack, in all her power and glamour, but that soon took a turn and we saw that not everything it's perfect on her. The way they are presented, how the public learns about their kinship without mystery, the looks from one to the other without words, the psychology of the relationship is something phenomenal, the shots chosen by Ramón Salazar can be studied one by one, and the usual mystery can happen something that even Hitchcock would give a 10, and the question that stays in the viewer's mind is the same one that ANABEL asks -What do you want from me? The fury attack, her smiles and her instability are perfectly acted by Bárbara playing CHIARA as well as the expressionless seriousness of ABABEL that only in her face can we read her entire interpretation. Magnificent performances Very beautiful photography, sometimes cold, sometimes sephia with glow Finally, Empty Sunday is a complete work that we fully focus on just one relationship. Direction, acting, photography, script, everything fits together and we have a great work, a work of art. And the question that stays in the viewer's mind is the same one that ANABEL asks -What do you want from me? The fury attack, her smiles and her instability are perfectly acted by Bárbara playing CHIARA as well as the expressionless seriousness of ABABEL that only in her face can we read her entire interpretation. Magnificent performances Very beautiful photography, sometimes cold, sometimes sephia with glow Finally, Empty Sunday is a complete work that we fully focus on just one relationship. Direction, acting, photography, script, everything fits together and we have a great work, a work of art. And the question that stays in the viewer's mind is the same one that ANABEL asks -What do you want from me? The fury attack, her smiles and her instability are perfectly acted by Bárbara playing CHIARA as well as the expressionless seriousness of ABABEL that only in her face can we read her entire interpretation. Magnificent performances Very beautiful photography, sometimes cold, sometimes sephia with glow Finally, Empty Sunday is a complete work that we fully focus on just one relationship. Direction, acting, photography, script, everything fits together and we have a great work, a work of art.
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