Wallace Beery On Skates
10 May 2023
Wallace Beery in drag as his gallumphing maid, Sweedie, gets invited to the roller-skate rink for a date with her swains. Her mistress finds her jewels missing, and sends Essannay's Kop Korps after her under the lead of Ben Turpin.

Beery had spent time in the time as a clown, so it's hardly surprising that, besides his practiced clumsiness as Sweedie, Ben Turpin and associates offer a well orchestrated series of pratfalls that would not have been out of place under the Big Top. In fact, Turpin and his Kops are the best part of this short comedy.

For some reason, the copy I looked at had the Keystone logo on it. Perhaps, because it was derived from a British print, they slapped the Keystone logo on any comedy import form the US that year, as a claim of excellence.
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