Really good fun and cute anime, does seem a little problematic to me
10 May 2023
Bloom into you

The anime is about two girls who have both never fallen in love, untill they meet each other. One is obviously more in love then other one, and in the anime we follow their story as friends and/or more.

The anime itself is very cute, kinda wholesome and it suckes you right into the story.

Besides being an overall wonderfull anime, there was one thing that just didn't sit right with me. One of the girls quite clearly only giving consent to kissing just so the other will stop pushing her. Most of the kissing scenes are pretty one sided, which for me just made me uncomfortable watching them.

Luckily that is the only bad thing about this anime (in my opinion).

While watching I was always interested and exited for what is gonna happen next, it was also able to keep my attention quite good.

The characters themselves are really fun as well. They are all very loveable, and the anime shows their background stories so easy to understand where someone is coming from.

And the two main characters have a really fun to see dynamic.

I also racon that a lot of people are going to be able to recognize themselves in one of the characters in some way, shape or form. Because all of the characters have different struggles and different ways they expience love.

As well as giving you a fun ride, the anime also exceeds into giving you a emotional ride. Nearly every character has a struggle that they deal with, and I think they are pretty accurate and could be quite common struggles too.

And on top of all that, the representation is quite good as well, except for the one girl who wasn't lesbian anymore (but I don't believe any of that). There is a lot of lesbian representation, but also headcanon aroace and demi aroace representation.

Conclusion, Bloom into you is a really good and wholesome anime with lovable characters but does sadly have some borderline problematic scenes in it.

(This is all purly my opinion, and I am not stating all of this as facts)
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