Transmutators (2007)
Horrible beyond comprehension...
10 May 2023
When I sat down to watch the 2023 action sci-fi movie "Transmutators", I figured that I was in for another grand mockbuster from The Asylum. However, this turned out not to be one such movie. And instead I found myself in for a Filipino attempt at an action sci-fi movie.

Director Mark A. Reyes delivered one of the worst movies I have stumbled upon in a long, long time. The movie's cover had nothing to do with the abysmal contents of the movie. The cover shows something that most clearly is a rip off of the "Transformers" movie, and thus I figured that it would be a mockbuster from The Asylum. But it turns out that "Transmutators" is actually a serious attempt at an action sci-fi from the Filipino cinema.

Now, I got nothing against the Filipino cinema in any way, but let's just be honest here, no one would ever believe that Filipino cinema would or could pull off a successful action sci-fi movie. And "Transmutators" looked like something from the 1990s, complete with laughable CGI, horrible special effects, and a script that was essentially just a dumpster fire.

To make matters worse, then I had the misfortune to sit through an English dubbed version of "Transmutators". And it is simply beyond my comprehension that the dubbing in 2023 is still as bad as it was back in the 70s. No one actually talks the way that the dubbing talents do; and I use the word "talents" very casually here. If anything, then the horrible dubbing in "Transmutators" just adds to the already mind-blowing cheese factor that director Mark A. Reyes's movie has.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble here. And I can't say that I was in the least bit impressed with the acting performances that I witnessed on the screen.

"Transmutators" is a cringeworthy movie in every aspect. And it is not even so bad that it becomes a fun movie to sit through. No, "Transmutators" from director Mark A. Reyes is just downright bad.

My rating of "Transmutators" lands on a one out of ten stars. Don't waste your time, money or effort on this particular movie; some of us did, so you don't have to. I would actually have preferred this to have been a mockbuster from The Asylum, as to the atrocity that it turned out to be.
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