Definitely one for the kiddies.
14 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Adults will enjoy this colorful adventure for the colorful island paradise and parallels to several Jules Verne tales, and the younger members of the audience will like it for the silly monsters on the island and of course the pet chimpanzee the men adopt, certainly smarter and braver than cowardly frantic professor David Hatton. Cinefiles will be disappointed that top billed stars Peter Cushing and Terence Stamp are nothing more than pointless cameos as rivals over who will buy the gold filled island where shipwrecked Hatton and handsome Ian Sera wake up, having dealt with the cousins of the creature from the black lagoon on their cruise ship.

They rescue Gasphar Ipua from becoming a meal for cannibals (or rather Sera does), then encounter even more strange creatures in their efforts to get away including monsters covered in seaweed, giant caterpillars and some sort of ugly dinosaur, discovering the gold in a rather bizarre cave seen in a prologue invokving others who happened upon the island. Hatton rants and raves throughout, and the greatest mystery isn't why Sera doesn't shoot Hatton to get away from this annoying clown. Funny in bits and pieces, but Hatton is headache inducing, while Sera, Ipua and the chimp should get medals simply for putting up with him. In spite of that, this island surely is a paradise (or the set created to represent it), although it's overloaded with moments of ridiculousness that after a while make it tiresome.
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