I've Got Nothing To Say That All The Other Reviews Haven't Already Said
15 May 2023
So, if you've ever wondered what it would be like to develop an eye twitch and what grinding your teeth feels like, by all means, watch this movie. If on the other hand that doesn't sound like a very pleasurable experience then you'll definitely wanna skip this one.

The ENTIRE movie is two, extremely annoying, terrible acting "sisters" arguing and bickering with each other to the extent of testing every single nerve of patience you possess in your body. The script is HORRIBLE! They do that stupid annoying 3 questions in a row back to back to back that NEITHER of them can even answer to begin with. For example, "who are they?" "What do they want with us" "Why are they doing this" all one right after the other and they do this VERY ANNOYING thing THROUGHOUT the entire freaking movie!

I'm telling you skip this movie. Bad acting, bad story, bad EVERYTHING! There is absolutely nothing, not one positive thing about this movie. Just so, so, so annoying! It's taking all I've got to get to the end of this just out of sheer curiosity to how truly low and bad this thing can really go.
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