15 May 2023
Based on the manga of the same name written by Harold Sakuishi and written for television by Osamu Kobayashi, Beck: MCS follows 14 year old Koyuki Tanaka as he meets Ray Minami, a former musician and guitarist, leading Koyuki down the road of rock music and stardom. Often a bit of a subdued, slower series, we follow the rise of Koyuki's new band, the troubles it gets into, and the friendships and relationships of all the members. Being a show about music, the music in this is of course great, I don't think I skipped the opening theme a single time over its 26 episode run. And at only a single season with 26 episodes the story is fleshed out and ends well rounded, tying up any threads, and building to a big finale. It was fun watch, and for any fans of anime and alt rock I would highly recommend.
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