Hospital Ship (2017)
16 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story tells us about a poor surgeon song who is presently struggling for the depth of lones taken in past by her so called father ' and his brother was in college who she has to pay for daily expanses'. Firstly she work's in Seoul as a surgeon' due to a little conflict between a senior doctor she was fired from job . Then she Firstly came to Hospital ship and make a great bond with each members and they also like her as a crew member' where she helped a lot of people and prove her skills again and then she fall in love with a guy name Dr. Kwak ' and story continues until she found a desies in herself it was not negligible so she tend to go far away from kwak ' but after a month he find her and confessed his love and she might have excepted that ' and she joined Hospital ship again .

All good but writer has forgotten many details ' as you can't even expect from a korean drama. I have given 10 star 🌟 because ony the last episode love confessed by kwak was so emotional for even me.
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