Gotham Knights (2022 Video Game)
Underdog game of the year!
17 May 2023

Gotham Knights is definitely a divisive game. It is an elseworld story and has nothing to do with previous Batman games. It came out to a lot of mixed reviews and got bad press due to people not liking technical things such as the 30 FPS, choppy game play (compared to previous Gen Arkham Knight) and a few other things, but I'm here to say that once I finally gave it a chance with an open mind I enjoyed this game very much.

Characters and story-line:

The biggest W is the dynamic of the characters with eachother. The game doesn't force the small cut scenes, but if you interact with every side mini cutscene quests you get this amazing feeling of family and see the relationship of the 4 heroes. It was such an amazing dynamic I long for a live action series of these titular characters (not the garbage series that CW/WB released currently) The chemistry is their if you take the extra time to look at it. I assume the developers didn't force those scenes as some gamers like to play more than watch cutscenes, but for those you liked fleshed our characters and storyline then this game has both. They really used the existing Batman mythology and created a unique story-line for the Bat-family that made a lasting impression.


As aforementioned, the gameplay mechanics felt like a downgrade from Arkham Knight - which was disappointing considering this is a next-gen game, however was overlooked once the game picked up and introduced the character specific combat and traversal system. I loved how they kept the familiar gliding from the Arkham games for Batgirl and introduced fun traversal mechanics for the other 3 characters. Each character has their own unique style and are all fun to play with. I got addicted to upgrading all characters as their specific abilities made it easier and more fun to do specific task, quests and side missions. It'll make you sometimes wish to have all their skills in one character, but then you'd just be playing as Batman at that point - which clearly is not the goal of this game.


Although it has its downsides, Gotham knight is a load of fun and the storyline has a lot of heart - the dynamic of the titular heroes was very pleasantly executed and left a memorable impression and gave me a new love for these "side kicks". I hope the studious learn from their lack of effort in improving gameplay for next-gen games and give us a sequel or DLC storyline - if it can tell an amazing story as this one did with a great character dynamic. I recommended buying this game only on sale and trying it out when you have time and an open mind.
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