Black Knight (2023– )
It's not incredible or game changing but still a decent series.
18 May 2023
The acting is alright, not incredible, but better than most Netflix films these days. In the action scenes and emotional scenes they were quite bad. Though in some other scenes it was nice. I give the acting a solid 7.5/10.

The action and fighting scenes were really unrealistic and very bad, sure some of 'em were great, and Really drew me in, but others just made me roll my eyes and laugh. The stupidity of some of these characters and the unrealism was embarrassing to watch. The action: 6/10.

The cinematography and cgi is very well done, it makes it really feel like a dystopian show, (unlike others) with the amount of blood and dirt in some scenes really made it feel realistic. 9/10

Storyline; the storyline is nice. Not too basic but also quite basic. The main character being stronger than everyone for almost no reason, while also getting random people to line up to fight with him? It's been done too many times. But I'll take it with the ubiquity of the show and some (not many) of the characters. 7.5/10.
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