Clerks III (2022)
A Tribute Film that struggles to fly
19 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was so stoked when I saw the trailer for this, waited years for the final release and boom, we get closure alright, but... SPOILERS Ok first off I laughed at times, and pretty hard too, but absolute nowhere close to the level as hard as the Lord of the Rings bit that I still use as a clip to hook friends that never heard of it to this day, honestly Alyas is the true driving force behind this film and that's what was great about it, he kicked ass, where it falls short is in virtually all the main characters and the somber grumpy tone they take with it, all the way to the grave, which is beautifully done, I'll give it that, I certainly cried and I'm sure that was the point, my issues lie with the execution that leads to dread, and worse yet, a line from this movie strongly bothers me because of it's glorification of a substance that is literally killing hundreds of thousands of people each year, unnecessarily mind you, we got along just fine without it a decade ago, but here we are, watching junkies passing out on the bus and smelling burnt chemical rubber/hair forced down our throats everytime we get trapped in a tin can with one of these lost souls, and Kevin still saw fit to have the doctor lady say "HE'S HIGHER THAN A KITE ON FENTANYL!" like it was the best damn experience he was going to have in the movie, worst part is it probably was, gave him that motivation to hop his ass up and make a movie, sure that's not what it's about, he didn't turn into a junkie or use it further in an abusive way, but in an age where there's a substance like this literally destroying our society, why on earth would you glorify it or validate it in any way as a creator that lends ideas to his fans on what's "real" with pop culture today and people as a whole? It's dangerous and irresponsible, could have left out wait pain killer gets used or suggested a more generalized one that isn't a current plague on our people, reaching for the wrong crowd, we have alternatives like magic mushrooms and the spirit molecule out there if you want to bring up creative and harmless hot button substances, Colorado understands the benefits behind these substances because they actually hold medical value, strange how they rarely truly receive that same validation outside of comedy, anyways my last gripe is that the motivation behind Randal switching the movie to be about Dante was weak and flimsy at best, one second he half didn't give af if he died in the ER and the next he's changing the movie in some rushed hurry to make things right because Alyas told him about Emma paying for the movie, like so how does that make any difference? That made no sense to me, I know Randal is known for being a little 2 dimensional about his thinking but he's always put his friendship with Dante first, come on, that nonchalant heartless way of thinking was outside his character, made him feel more petty and hallow than we've come to know him as, his change of perspective after his dance with death literally killed his best friend, and even though it ended on a familiar tone showing hope for the future, something about the whole experience just left a bad taste in my mouth, but I suppose it's better than no goodbye film at all, so it was appreciated to some degree, anyways thanks for the laughs Alyas, like I said you and your little silent homie Blockchain made this film and I'd legit watch a spin off series with you 2 as the main characters, fr 👌
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