Jessie's Dad (2011)
I Wish We Had Follow Up Documentaries...
19 May 2023
...not only on this story, either. I want to know what happens to any and all sex offenders (child predators the most) after something like this. I want to have documentaries following ALL child predators that are let back into society. Too BAD about their privacy, they really need to be supervised at ALL TIMES once they are out among us. The only people who don't want that are the bloody criminals!

People clamor for those absolutely horrible "reality shows," when THIS is so much more important. Follow them, keep them under tabs--alert all their neighbors since they don't do it.

I am also very invested the after care of the surviving families of these poor shredded little angels. Unless THEY do not want to share. We care about you, Mark. We care about you, Ms Perrywinkle, we care about ALL OF YOU.

This is one of the best documentaries, and I am completely gobsmacked at Mark's resolve throughout. Humble, good man who did NOT deserve this...and I cannot help but wonder: If the police checked for child molesters FIRST--which should be number one protocol for heaven's sake; how can it NOT BE??? And THIS is why we need professional letters sent out to all those that are forced to live near this human trash. I really wish there was an instant death penalty for this kind of crime. If DNA is up inside a child, why BOTHER with due process?? So some greedy awful attorney can set them loose on a technicality? DNA cannot be argued, so why bother? "Rights" should go down the toilet once DNA is in a little kid. The End.

Not even going to bring up Josh. There's a huge difference between a teen fling or relationship in motion vs a stolen CHILD. And I have a feeling I know why Utah was so difficult to jump on board, there's about a hundred documentaries covering THAT.

So I took a look and found that three sex offenders live within a relatively short distance from me. No mention of children, but still: It took this story and my watching the Medical Examiner's testimony in the Cherish Perrywinkle story for me to look.

We ALL should be NOTIFIED. No, I don't want the sexual predator to come to my house, knock on my door and scope out how many little kids live in my house while they inform me that they may rape and murder one of them. THAT IS INSANE.

That should be someone's job within the government: To send letters to the neighbors of the sexual predator. That needs to be part of the protocol.

I cannot tell you how incredibly valuable this documentary is. I don't even like little kids, but good heavens, it's up to ALL OF US to protect them!!

Mark's heart will never mend, it's impossible. I am the parent of a murdered child but she was a young adult--I cannot even begin to imagine. He sure turned an incomprehensible situation into something good and meaningful for the rest of us.

Thank You Mark. Thank you Boaz. I'm crying now.
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