Gilbert And Martin Ride Off Into The Sunset
20 May 2023
For the sixth and final time, Gilbert Roland is the Cisco Kid, wandering into Arizona along with Chris-Pin Martin. Copycat Anthony Warde has been robbing stagecoaches while masked, so Roland is on the hook for it. He tracks down Warde and steals the jewelry he's taken, which eventually winds up with Roland making love very prettily to Angela Greene, and getting arrested by her brother, William Bakewell. However, Roland has resources that not even he is aware of.

It's minor and carried very handily by Roland's charm. Director Christy Cabanne would only direct two more movies after this, and he is often accused of being one of the worst directors in Hollywood history. There is quite a list of contenders for that title. It's my opinion he doesn't deserve it.

Like many an efficient director trapped in the lower ranks of the B movies, he was prized for his ability to come in on schedule and under budget, and no one was anxious to offer him much more. Yet a look at some of his earlier works show he was not only efficient, but given to camera didoes when given a half-decent budget. B this time, that was unavailable to him, yet the performers hit their marks, speak their lines well -- Roland is supposed to have written some of his sides here -- and the story is a well, if cheaply told one. Cabanne had a writing credit here, as well as a directing one. Cabanne would not to live to see a revival of interest in his work. He would die in 1950 at the age of 62.
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