Review of Undeserved

Undeserved (2016)
Not happy with the message here !
20 May 2023
Was very curious about the storyline. So I thought I will give this film a go. So Dawn has to live with her aunt after her mother is murdered, but due to circumstances she has to leave and fend for herself.

So a lot of this film has a basis of religion attached which unfortunately spoils it for me. I am guessing that this is the message that the director was hoping for but however a lot of the film is lost in translation.

A majority of the film kind of submits to the audience that even living under the roof of god should be safe, Dawn finds that this is not the case, and later into the story she kinda has it forced down her throat that God can save her. Hmmm not sure whats right there.

Anyway it is all a bit blunt, no follow up about her mother's murder, the pastor is has happy at the start of the film and later on thanks to God, but I give the film 5/10, because there is some good acting, semi good storyline, just loses itself with the overboard no so believable religious theme.
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