Succession: Church and State (2023)
Season 4, Episode 9
Kendall freaking Roy!
22 May 2023
Ahh! The vultures are circling. The tension's flaring. The pieces are falling all around. And yet, unlike the usual kendall who folds during times of duress, we see him get stronger. What a beautiful site to see.

It's a culmination that's been brewing from the very beginning, and if we're all honest: how did we not see it from the start? Maybe we did and just didn't know it yet. Regardless, Jeremy Strong continues to push his character to greater heights. If he doesn't win an Emmy for this season, I'll be severely disappointed!

On another note: Kieran never seems to disappoint or surprise for that matter. Grief is certainly an emotion we haven't witnessed from him to this point and it was good to finally see his vulnerable side for a change. And that last scene. Goose bumps!

One more episode left... i hate that i have to let this show go, but it's been an amazing ride and i have no doubt the finale will not disappoint.
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