8 A.M. Metro (2023)
22 May 2023
During the times where content is so oversold, exaggerated, twisted and yes, shown most of the time to monetize, watching 8AM Metro was so different, unique, beautiful, and surprisingly refreshing too. I say surprisingly refreshing because of the way the director/Raj takes us through the whole story so smoothly and easy.

It is so difficult to make a movie on a single topic. And in this movie Raj not only touches but goes into details of multiple critical topics. The topics that are so commonly seen in majority of people in the society today but hardly talked/discussed about. Raj shows his mastery of patiently and neatly weaving these serious, yet common issues, so beautifully. Very complicated and interlinked subject(s) such as depression, anxiety, extramarital, panic attacks, loneliness, told via a simple execution in a wonderful tale where two complete strangers meet and find solace in each other not worried of being judged. And enhanced with amazing poetry, scenic Hyderabad city visuals, and soothing music.

Though the movie seems to progress slowly, personally there was never a moment I felt it is being stretched or me wanting to move on to the next scene soon. Every scene was shot so naturally that one can relate to all the characters in their day-to-day lives. Even the way some light moments were incorporated as part of the main story and not independent track is so awesome and praiseworthy.

Finally, wonderful cast brings the directors vision in an authentic way on the screen. There are multiple moments in the movie that makes one feel the sharp pang in the heart.

I strongly recommend everyone to watch this movie for its content, direction, and subtle but strong acting. Please go to nearest theatres and watch it and encourage this pure 100% talent.
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