This movie has a little spirit in it after all
24 May 2023
If you like exorcism flicks or like horror or like Russell Crowe, see it. It's a well done, well acted, middlingly written, nicely filmed trip back a few decades with refreshingly relevant ideas packaged in moderately predictable structures.

It's good. Not great, unless you count Crowe's performance, but good, dependable catholic horror, filled with enough action, tension and stuff flying around to void the "slow burn" category. It isn't incredibly scary, but doesn't try to have overly pretentious jump scares and sticks with on-screen violence and shock rock demon dialogue (demons say the darndest things).

All the tropes are here, but done well. All the cliches are served up properly. Crowe shines on screen, like you'd expect, and the rest of the cast do well enough, although the kid's parts smell a bit stereotyped and overplayed at times. FX are solid, set is cool. What's not to love?

This movie won't change the genre or win any awards, but it's good. It deserves a watch, so if you're reading this and you're on the fence, watch it.
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