I Shot My Parents (2017 TV Movie)
I think I know why he did it.....
24 May 2023
This is an excellent documentary that does what documentaries should do: documents the facts. Everyone watching it will interpret those facts according to their own worldview and their own culture.

The overarching question on everyone's mind is, WHY? It took me watching the film twice to have an idea. The movie only gives us a glimpse into the boy's life, and if this life was what I think it was, it's hard not to have sympathy for the guy. Parents had suffocating control over his life. No privacy, cameras watching your every move inside the house. Constant punishment for the slightest indiscretion. I got the feeling that the mom used the punishment system instead of hiring a housekeeper. I am sure the parents will say that they love their son and that they would give their lives for him. No matter. Life under that roof was torture. I suspect that he feels freer inside the prison than he did at home. I also would love to hear the daughter's opinion of what was going on in that house. To this day he refuses to say, why he did what he did. He is still under his parents' spell and under their control.

Other part of this household was love for hunting (the grandma is quick to put in a disclaimer: hunting is not murder; it's our way of life!) Well, if legalized killing of a living being that cannot put up a defense is your way of life.... There is a very short distance from murdering animals for fun to murdering humans for your freedom.
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