a Heartwarming Family Film worth watching
25 May 2023
If you are the kind of person who went to Summer Camp back when you were a kid or simply didn't go to Summer Camp back then, the Rainbow Tribe is worth watching and still a great family film and still funny and even heartwarming as well. The plot follows our main character, Morgan with a serious issue going on in his life and he is looking for a way to deal with it. The second story is about six boys at a Summer camp (one who has anger issues, one who is the spoiled rich kind, one who is the silent/mute kind of kid, one who is a nerd, and the other kid). The boys all have different backgrounds, personalities, and problems of their own. The slapstick and jokes in this movie are just hilarious to yet average including some fart jokes that you could find in any family film, even the music score is splendid and this movie is still worth watching and considered to be a new instant classic.
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