No honor among thieves
26 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Having committed a violent robbery, the three perpetrators make their escape. At first they try to collaborate in a more or less friendly fashion, but cracks soon appear. Turns out that criminals find it hard to play well with others, even after leaving kindergarten...

"Ti aspettero all'inferno" (aka "I'll see you in hell") is a suspenseful and often spooky crime/horror movie that comes with a killer twist near the end. In a way the movie can be read as some kind of parable or allegory about the corrosive power of guilt, which can bring low even a seemingly amoral brute. John Drew Barrymore, who plays one of the robbers, impresses as a mean-spirited, violent man who slowly begins to unravel at the seams.

On the whole a successful movie, although it could have lost a quarter of an hour or so.
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