Seinfeld: The Chaperone (1994)
Season 6, Episode 1
Mr. Pit makes his Seinfeld debut
29 May 2023
A very nice episode.

This review was made and published on May day 29 in the year of 2023rd in century 21st.

What happened in this episode?

Jerry tries to date Miss Rhode Island

Kramer tries to help Miss Rhode Island win the pageant

George makes the New York city Yankees wear cotton uniforms.

Elaine deals with Mr. Pit.

The Story and production overview: A fun story which is carried by the big 3 George, Jerry and Kramer.

It has a few laughs and watching Kramer pick apart Miss Rhode Island was engaging.

Laugh meter: 7

Highlight: Jerry hacking the birds and Kramer finding out.

Girlfriend attractiveness level: Miss Rhode Island was a good 7.4. Probably an 8 with better lighting and make up.

Overall: a steady fun episode.

What can be learned?: never let someone like Kramer pick you apart.

Verdict: Poor doves.
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