Tin & Tina (2023)
Children of the Corn
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was a nod to Stephen King's Children of the Corn . The acting was great by the two kids and the entire cast were good too .

The director created an eerie atmosphere and suspense.. It was a novel idea in the aspect that religion can be misinterpreted and so can have negative results However the film displayed that miracles can happen too. What didn't make sense is that when the kids sedated the dog, then cut him up , took his heart out , put it back and then sewed him up again , the parents thought the kids had innocently made a mistake by interpreting the Bible literally . The Bible refers to death a lot so the kids at their age would know that cutting up a dog would kill it, yet in the film the kids didn't know that, which was ridiculous

The ending was totally predictable. However I've seen much worse films in the cinema , Meghan for example . Overall it's a fun horror to see with a bowl of popcorn .
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