McMillan & Wife: All Bets Off (1976)
Season 6, Episode 1
Series 6 really did a disservice to the McMillan and Wife Cannon
31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 1 of series six enters with a quick mention that Sally McMillan and their child have been killed in a plane crash and it's been 8 months.

Despite how close they were from Seasons 1-5, Mac has already moved on and has a brand new girl friend every single episode.

Sally is never brought up again, Mac is never shown mourning her; and it's business as usual.

Due to this, series 6 just falls flat; the magic is gone and McMillan on his own just doesn't have the same sparkle.

I don't know what the writers were thinking, but this really did the series cannon a disservice, and it does not work.
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