Kids will love it more than I did.
31 May 2023
I went with my niece and nephew to this movie, this was their first cinema viewing and they had a great time. They love Mario and the the video games, so they were familiar with the characters and the places, the loved the voices and animation and stayed invested until the end. They laughed and had fun. And the key to this is your kids will love this, especially if they are into the world of Mario.

I on the other hand also had a good time, I will not lie as an adult who grew up with Nintendo games, seeing this movie was a joy, everything looked like how it looks in the games so things were easily to identify with. It was like a drive nostalgia bomb watching this movie. You see things and think 'oh I remember that' 'I knew that from that game'

One of the things that didn't bother me too much was the voices, while some were just doing their voice with little put on, others didn't bother me so much. Chris Pratt as Mario wasnt as bad as I thought it would be, in fact he is pretty tolerable here. Jack Black is also having a ball and just living the best life as Bowser. Charlie Day is also fun as Luigi, and Keegan-Michael Key as Toad is also a laugh. Everyone else varies from dull to okay.

The movie is very aimed at children, the plot is very simplistic as you would expect, its Mario, so for older audiences it doesn't give much in terms of complexity or deeper storytelling. Its a rescue mission with a point A to point B narrative and thats fine if thats all you want.

For me the jokes fell a little flat at times but I cannot say my niece and nephew didn't laugh.

One of my big annoyances were the songs, the pop song inserts in particular. They felt really out of place, but I did really enjoy the Mario tunes from the game inserted into the movie, that was kind of nice.

Its a fun movie that's great for your children, a 10/10 for them for sure. But for me it didn't quite hit the mark but I wouldn't say I hated it, there was some fun to be had and its good to see a Mario movie this time that looks like a Mario movie.
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