A Marvelous Spider-Upgrade
2 June 2023
I was lucky enough to watch 'Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse' in an avant-premiere (LaserUltra) screening at the cinema. I adored the first one because of the beautiful animation, the incredible soundtrack and the refreshing storyline.

The voice acting in this movie is top notch, with my personal standouts being of course Shameik Moore as the legendary Miles Morales whom has grown a lot but still struggles with his responsibilities as both a young teenager and as New York's one and only Spider-Man. Hailee Steinfeld as the complicated character that is Gwen Stacy who gets a lot of great development in this film which I loved to see. And lastly for me, the acclaimed Oscar Isaac who plays the troubled Miguel O'Hara - a great addition to this franchise.

Each voice actor takes their role very seriously and it pays off well. The writers know when it's the right time for humor (and they have a sense of it) but also know very well when to transition to a more serious tone. The emotions don't feel unbalanced and that makes this film like a great rollercoaster with a bit of everything for everyone.

Animation wise, it's obviously an upgrade but it stills holds on to the beautiful art style from the first one while introducing new things here and there. I love the chaos that the animation often translates, almost making me afraid of having an epileptic attack of some sort. There are so many possibilities in the world of animation that live-action just doesn't have or can impossibly achieve in the same way animation can, and this film proves that by being outstanding in this department.

Something that Spider-Man franchises have always benefited from in my opinion is having multiple plots running simultaneously and slowly intertwining with each other. What makes this method of telling a story so amazing in my opinion is that all these "smaller" events merge into a massive situation that just creates a lot of hype and epicenes. Without saying too much, I think a similar tactic happened here and it - well, did exactly that; Hype!

The sound design and score was incredible once more, I dare argue even better than the first one. Of course they leaned on music from the first one (Ex. Prowler Theme) but they managed to evolve it which is nice. I can't wait to see more from this world of Miles Morales. I rate this film a 9/10. Can't wait to see what's next for this multiverse. Bring it on, Spider-Man!
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