So much of my childhood
3 June 2023
First, let me say my parents were not in this cult. And it is a cult. I thank God we didn't live in an area where my dad could be influenced by Bill Gothard because even without that influence I see so much of my conservative Christian upbringing in this documentary. It's scary but also makes me stronger because I know the path I've chosen for myself and my kids is so much better. I've been working so hard the past few years to come to terms with the trauma and insecurities from my conservative upbringing and I'm still battling that because I regularly have to deal with family, but this series spoke to me. I really identified with so many of the teachings the Duggar kids were raised with. It was like watching my high school and college years again and scares me because I have so many friends from youth who have strictly homeschooled their kids. But I'm so glad I've found myself.
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