Would be better if not framed by the idea that a woman is always right
4 June 2023
I watched and enjoyed it as light entertainment. Loved the action scenes, have some exceptional moments. However, as a female, I find this leaning to the idea that a woman is always right the absolute height of stupidity.

The lead female character does a lot of silly things and only wants to be right. When she is right k cheer for her but when this modern feminism becomes the mirror image of the oppression of what women have experienced for centuries, this is dangerous and nowhere funny. If you have never been right 100% of the time at school, how can you be always right in a relationship with another human being when the way you see and process info is often different. And in these dramas too often infected negatively by social norms and the accusation of a lack of filial piety.

But to see two people do similar things and the man is only wrong, that is crap. Indeed, the writers are ignoring the fact that the media can influence how we interact with the. World around. Having been black, female and from the third world the impact of media on social thought to its detriment is clear.

Just be fair. There is a difference between equality and pretending to give women a hand's up while trampling the individual rights of Men. There are two things black women can't escape, being black women and seeing black men trampled by everyone in the name of superiority which is just a mask for greed. Does entertaining women have to be a hazard for men? Why? Who is that insecure that you undermine the fabric of your society for viewership? Indeed, the insecure determines lot of media content. But what is going on in China that someone believes and teaches that women cannot be told they are wrong because hurting a woman's feelings is detrimental to women. If not for that foolish mentality that picture would have been the bomb. Love doesn't demand never saying sorry or thank you and it doesn't need a denial of facts or reality. There's nothing more annoying in these series than a group or individuals who are never said to be wrong.
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