Titanic's Final Mystery (2012 TV Movie)
Mysteries Left Unsolved
5 June 2023
This documentary does provide convincing answers for two lingering questions - why the lookouts on the Titanic didn't see the iceberg sooner, and why the nearest ship, the SS Californian, didn't come to the rescue, but this is NOT the final answer to all of Titanic's mysteries. While this is an informative documentary explaining the atmospheric and hydrological conditions contributing to the disaster, there are many other factors as well, and they are left unaddressed. This incomplete coverage is all the more disappointing because the documentary (as well as the title) claims to be the final word on why the Titanic sunk. Even worse, it mentions a number of other explanations that have emerged over the years - shoddy construction, the steel or rivets were too soft or too weak, for example - but dismisses them as "myths" without explaining why. The producers certainly had time to cover other issues: this is one of those documentaries that crams 30 minutes of information into 93 minutes of programming as they try to heighten the suspense by dragging out or repeating even the smallest details. Overall, this documentary is convincing on two mysteries that have never been satisfactorily answered before, but is disappointing in that, despite its claims, it is not the final word on why the Titanic sunk - there are plenty of mysteries still remaining.
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