6 June 2023
Veteran director Alf Kjellen had fun with this over the top story. Kjellen did a ton of cop shows and dramas. This was his cup of tea. Comedien Bob Newhart is perfect for the role of a henpecked husband who falls for a blonde showgirl, named Rosie Feather?? (played by nobody better than Joyce Jameson). He goes back home to pickyhune wife Jane Withers (who is terrific), and can you spot the inside joke --as the bickering couple live in the old LEAVE IT TO BEAVER HOUSE. Is that hilarious or what? Bob naturally wants to get rid of the battleaxe, but HOW? Listen to the light, fluffy background music as it hits the spot in various intriguing scenes. Look for many familiar tv faces. This must have been a labor of love for Alfred Hitchcock, the master of dark comedy. Filmed on the Universal lot with all the familiar trappings. Should you ever take the studio tour, Universal ALWAYS salutes Hitch. There is even a rare 1960s video (if you have a chance to see it) where he introduces the studio tour in true deadpan fashion. SEASON 2 EPISODE 11 1963 CBS dvd box set.
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