Review of Joe Pickett

Joe Pickett (2021–2023)
Main lead is lacklustre and dull
6 June 2023
I have not read the books, so no comments on that front, although I can see that those who have read the books have a lot to complain about and rightfully so. The books were apparently great, so how come the author, who coproduced the series, allow the the TV adaptation to be so messed up?? One would think if the author is involved in the project, this would not be the case.

So, watching the series with fresh eyes, with no expectations, I still found it very bad, failing on many fronts. For me, the biggest let down was the central character. Did not have to look further. Joe Pickett as a guy, as a game warden, as a husband, as a family man, in every which way is just so uninspiring, dull, wimpy, full of self doubt, self sabotaging. After writing a weak character like this, they then try to repair his image by having him referred to as 'the most underestimated' person, assuming it would somehow raise his appeal to the audience, but I still think he comes across as a stupid, overly emotional guy, leaning way too much to his feminine side, someone who despite having a family has an overwhelming death wish. That makes him outright irresponsible, not hero/leading man material. He does not have the basic instincts of self preservation, which should be second nature for just about anyone, but more so for a game warden. He should know when to back off and come back later with reinforcements; but no, this happens to be a recurring theme with him. Don't get me wrong, I just think he can still be honest guy with integrity without being a stupid. For instance him carrying a pigeon rifle as weapon of choice, turning his back to the bad guys; entering the lair of the baddies with no backup, threatening them and getting beaten black-and-blue; not carrying extra bullets or his phone on his person, leaving his belongings unattended, pointing his gun spotlighted in the headlights of the bad guys vehicle, almost willing them to take a clear shot at him. Who does that??? I wish someone had answered his death wish after 2 episodes, instead we have a season 2!!!! What can I say?
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