The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
Couldn't wait for it to end.
6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Boring and a waste of time.

This was actually worse than the 2005 "Boogeyman" movie. I don't even know why this movie was called "The Boogeyman" as it wasn't even really a man, more of a creature. It looked like some creature from "A Quite Place" that got lost and ended up in this little girl's closet.

I don't even think we learned what it was or where it came from. Just that it'll make mold grow in your house and it has two baby arms that come out of it's mouth when it's about ready to kill you. That's it!

I was hoping this would be good, better than the 05' version but it's not. I heard this was supposed to go on Hulu instead of to the theaters and that's exactly where it belongs. Buried somewhere under Hulu's horror tab.
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