In their decades long campaign to expose the horror . . .
8 June 2023
. . . of America's Communist Capitalist "Conservative" Corrupt Cabal, Universal film studio subtly excoriates such infamous "business" villains as Walt Dizzy, Hank Ford and Old Tom Edison. It's no accident that Universal selects the exact name of the latter's first-in-the-world filming stage for the moniker of illegitimate looter Buzz Buzzard's pirate ship. Foolish Old Tom, who believed that movies would only be for home consumption and that all Americans would be happy to live in his concrete houses illuminated by highly dangerous direct current supplied by an Edison power plant on every block, serves as the primary inspiration for Buzz Buzzard, the sort of plunderer who grows fat gorging on road kill and swoops down like a vulture to steal the credit--and cash value--of everyone else's hard work and good ideas. BUCCANEER WOODPECKER dictates that malingering miscreant money misers such as Edison must be blown up and fed to the sharks. Anyone supporting these bilious billionaires deserve to be chumming around with them among the Great Whites.
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