Dead corpses beneath your house? Better take a shower
10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah so this movie has a lot of well done dramatic tension and build up until the one hour mark. It estabilishes well the protagonist's personality and why, despite the house showing her weird things, she decides to remain in it and unravel the secrets of her dead husband's hidden life. It's all very believable until she discovers dead bodies by accident below an adjacent cabin's floor. Any sane person would flee the house and call the cops. However, for the sake of the plot, our protagonist chooses to go back inside the main house, leave a message on her friend's phone and goes for a relaxing shower. Man, i couldn'l help myself laughing out loud at this point as it completely took me out of the bleak atmosphere the movie was up until then proposing. The movie deals with loss, letting go, unhealthy attachments and dementia, but since so many suspense/horror movies have done this, The Night House had to rely on story telling and performances to differentiate itself from the crowd. Performances are overall good, however, the third act doesn't live up to the well built tension of the first hour, concluding in a forgettable uninspired note.
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