Hammer House of Horror: Charlie Boy (1980)
Season 1, Episode 6
One of the show's most entertaining episodes.
11 June 2023
Graham and Sarah inherit a fetish, a wooden voodoo doll, one they amiably name Charlie Boy, unfortunately Graham brings Charlie Boy to life, and a series of macabre, grizzly deaths begin.

Charlie Boy is one of my favourite episodes from this short lived period. It's a plot that's been lifted from any number of Hammer films, but it's a winning formula, it's gory, amusing, fast paced and features some wonderfully macabre moments.

There is a real sense of urgency, imagine and then there were none, with a horror vibe and a countdown timer running, that'll give you a sense of the mix.

This was made in 1980, I don't recall seeing many mixed race relationships on the box back then, so this makes something of a refreshing change.

Doctor who fans will recognise two familiar faces from the 1980's (and a later appearance in 2022) we have The Brigadier Bambera and of course the wonderful Tegan Jovanka, namely Angela Bruce and Janet Fielding.

Worth watching for Marius Goring (another face Dr Who fans will know well,) alone, he's so wonderfully charismatic as Heinz, what a character actor.

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