A Jewel of a film...as long as you pay close attention.
13 June 2023
Hans Strydom stars as Tom, a charming thief and a clever fraudster. With the help of his partner Jeffrey Fantastic (Bill Curry) they successfully pull of stealing "a fortune's worth of diamonds". When he tries to sell the diamonds to a diamond company, geologist Diamantjie (Sybil Coetzee) realizes the diamonds are fake (unbeknownst to Tom). With a personal vendetta against the company, she authenticates the diamonds and Tom gets his money.

Diamantjie then follows Tom, and insists on a share of the money, and on being his partner. Reluctant, he agrees, but trust remains an issue between them. There's even a hint of a romance, which in a way felt natural and beautiful.

On their trail, are Inspector Vlok (Zak du Plessis), and rookie detective Brand (Reghardt van den Bergh). Together these two allow for the film's comic relief characters, along with Jeffrey Fantastic.

The film does become a bit confusing with all the business talk and Tom's schemes, so you have to pay close attention. Veteran actor Alex Heyns stars as diamond mine owner Heyns, who is about to become the victim of Tom's scheme. Hans Strydom is perfectly cast as Tom, and he owns every scene he is in. There's plenty of humour and intrigue and a twist or two in the mix as well. And what an unpredictable ending!

'Diamant en die Dief' is bound to put a smile on your face, and is pure family entertainment.
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