Strains credibility
13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I liked this episode. But the storyline with Sarah and wheelchair-bound prosecutor Melissa Winters strains credibility.

Winters' story of the three-year-old crime has her coming home to find an unknown assailant struggling with her husband. The bad guy shoots her husband; turns and shoots her, then escapes. Unlike other cases that the CSI team solves in an hour or less, this one goes unsolved. That is blamed conveniently on a CSI who was about to retire and (apparently) couldn't be bothered to follow the evidence.

The bullet recovered from Winters' neck is matched with a gun used in a recent robbery, and the shooter is picked up. He confesses to entering the apartment when no one was home and trashing the place (to get even with the prosecutor for putting him in prison). He claims he found the gun when he smashed the coffee table.

Sarah notices that the blood stain on Mr. Winters' shirt indicates that he was lying down when shot. That blew up the disabled prosecutor's story. Funny how the retired CSI never noticed that...

Sarah figured out that Mrs. Winters shot her husband while he was asleep on the couch, then dropped the gun while dealing with a wave of emotion. But Mr. Winters wasn't dead yet and had enough energy to pick up the gun and shoot his wife in the neck. She had just enough time to hide the gun in the coffee table before passing out.

Who called 911? That is never addressed.

Mrs. Winters claims spousal abuse when confronted with her murder by Sarah. I guess divorces are hard to get in Las Vegas.

What doesn't make sense to me is why no one knew that someone broke in and trashed the Winters' place until he told Sarah about it. Why didn't Winters report this? Why didn't she move?

To be fair to CSI, however, many TV shows and movies play fast and loose with facts and probability, knowing that most viewers won't catch the discrepancies.
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